10 Things I Would Recommend to Bring With You On Your Next Long Term Solo Travel Trip
Sailing here was a surreal experience. The light fog snaked its way through the valley, but still let the sun warm our backs.
The items on this list are directed for long term travel, staying in hostels, and not having a lot of space to pack things with you (backpacking).
This is an easy miss for most people if it is their first time staying in hostels, because when staying at hotels it is always provided, but with hostels, most of the time it is not provided. Some nice hostels will provide it for you, others might have it for an extra charge, but plenty don’t even have it as an option for an extra charge. I made the mistake of bringing a typical bath towel, which took up a lot more space than a microfiber towel, which I will definitely bring next time. Microfiber towels are much lighter, and less thick so they take up less room when you already don’t have much space to give. These double as beach towels if you are headed somewhere near a beach (or any water in general for that matter). The one linked below comes in a nice little pouch as well, good for keeping everything together. It also comes in multiple colors, which I recommend so that you can distinguish yours from others traveling, since I brought a white towel it was taken by a cleaning lady one time because she thought it was the hostels and took it to wash. Having your own colored one would separate you from others and from the hostels towels. Compact Hostel Towel
Portable ChargerThis one seems like an easy one, but when you are packing and trying to think of all of the different documents and clothes you need, it is an easy one to forget. However, you literally will not survive without this. Between long travel days, hostels that may not have an outlet at every bed, and just long days out exploring, having one of these literally is not an option. One below is not too bulky and rated best for traveling.
Padlock Another thing that most might not realize until they have stayed in a hostel for the first time - hostels will have lockers, but they won’t always provide a lock. Similar to the towel situation, this is going to vary everywhere you go. Some places will have lockers that have the spot for you to loop your own padlock through to lock your stuff. Others will have lockers with their own little keys that come attached to your other keys to the room/hostel. The really fancy ones will have key card lockers that pair with your key card to the hostel. Regardless, you will want one of these to be safe, because you are bound to end up in at least one hostel that requires you to have your own. I brought a lock with me, and found that in several hostels it was actually too thick, which is why I have linked the one below that is somewhat skinnier. At least three of the hostels had the loop too small for my lock, so get the one below to save yourself the trouble. Padlock
HydroflaskSome other travelers might disagree with me on this one and tell you to bring a water bottle that can expand/compact, but I say no. In my opinion, you will always have the hand space to carry a water bottle with you. I think that it is really nice to have cold water with you, but beyond that, I consider a Hydroflask to be a self defense weapon if you really need it to be (hopefully you don’t). If you are out exploring a city at night, or if you should find yourself as the only girl in a mixed dorm room, you now have a heavy metal weapon to do some decent damage to someone if you must. Again, I (thankfully) never needed to use my emotional support water bottle for self defense, but I remember a time or two where I had it close to me to be safe (one was a night where I was the only girl in a mixed dorm in an already sketchy hostel that I hated). So do yourself a favor and have cold water and a self defense weapon all in one : ). Self Defense Water Bottle
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